Category: Maintenance

Upcoming VLE Maintenance 7.12

02.12.2021 - 12:55

On Tuesday 7.12 starting at 18:00, we will be conducting maintenance that will impact access to provisioning or configuring VLE virtual machines or accessing virtual machine consoles. The outage is expected to last up to two hours.

Virtual machines will continue to run as normal during the outage.

Summer service outages

04.06.2021 - 10:21

Due to maintenance during summer some LabraNet student services may be unavailable from time to time. We try to minimize the impact on usage and schedule the maintenance on quiet hours.

The following services will be unavailable for extended period of times on Thursday 8.7.2021, due to continued data migrations:

  • LabraNet VPN

We expect the services to be functional again on Friday 9.7.2021 but in case of problems, please create a ticket on our helpdesk.

LabraNet service outage 21.4.2021

13.04.2021 - 13:19

LabraNet has a service outage on 21st of April from 3pm onwards. All the services will not be available during that outage. The duration of outage is not fully known, users should be prepared that the services will not be available between 21st of April 3pm and 22nd of April 8am

Service migration maintenance notice

02.02.2021 - 18:02

Due to data migrations some LabraNet services may be unavailable for short period of times during week 9. Migration takes only minutes in most cases but at least the following services will be unavailable for extended periods due to the sheer volume of data:

  • and any CI runners
  • LabraNet VPN

Director maintenance

17.03.2017 - 10:40

We’re doing maintenance on director and related systems, and they will be unavailable for a few hours. Running workloads are not affected.