Category: Update

Windows 10 and LabraNet VPN issues

03.10.2018 - 09:08

LabraNet users have stumbled upon an issue where LabraNet services seem unavailable when LabraNet VPN is connected. Services affected are at least:


This issue causes name resolution to return an incorrect IP Address for forementioned services even when a full tunnel is forced. This is due to smart multi-homed name resolution and automatic interface metrics.

LabraNet VPN guide has been updated with step-by-step instructions on how to fix this. Read Windows 10 – Additional settings for more info if this is an issue for you.

Updated Remote access guide

22.05.2018 - 13:27

To ease the pain of Mac users LabraNet-wide, LabraNet Remote access guide has been updated. Additional documentation has been provided for L2TP/IPSec VPN for Mac OS users and documentation related to iSstp has been removed.

LabraNet VPN Service

16.08.2017 - 13:30

LabraNet VPN service has been updated to a more secure protocol. This means the old server,, will be gracefully laid to rest during the upcoming fall semester (probably week 42). Users should use the new server at from this point forward and to reflect this change, LabraNet Remote Access Guide has been updated with instructions on how to set up the new connection.

Set up your new connection!

Should you encounter any issues, please contact LabraNet Helpdesk.

Welcome to Windows 10

11.01.2016 - 12:57

LabraNet has transitioned to Windows 10 over the end of year holidays. We’re aware of some issues, but if you notice missing or broken software, please report it to us using our contact form.

Some things to look out for:

  • Some computers may have the login screen keyboard layout as English.  You can check for this by typing in the username field.
  • If your homefolders are not mapped automatically, Z can be found at \\storage\homes\%USERNAME and S at \\student\%USERNAME%
  • Likewise if printers are not mapped, they can be found in \\printerservices
  • To log off, click on your username in the start menu and choose log off.